Welcome to the 13th Workshop & Industry Panel to discuss CAD

Distinguished experts and creative researchers from Renault, Mercedes-Benz, Denso, Continental, Qualcomm, Intel, IAV, Iteris, Tecnalia, universities and research institutes.

Workshop Date: Tuesday 24 September 2024
Time: 08:30-17:30
Location: Edmonton Convention Centre (Hall C | Meeting Room Level), Edmonton, Canada
Contact: meng dot lu at wklm dot eu


The 13th Workshop and Industry Panel “Cooperative and Automated Driving” will be held in conjunction with the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) on September 24-27, 2024 in Edmonton, Canada. Recent developments in telecommunications, sensor, information processing and control technologies have enabled substantial progress in the domain of ITS. C-ITS (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) is in a very early stage of deployment, as it is technologically achievable, but the deployment requires cooperation of multiple stakeholders. Automated driving is on the horizon, and will still need substantial and longer-term development and testing to make even the high automation levels a reality in complex situations, such as in urban environments, and in a transit period of only partial market penetration. Cooperative and automated transport are certainly complementary. They are expected to bring substantial benefits in terms of safety, comfort and (traffic and fuel) efficiency. Many challenges exist in this important domain.

The one-day in-person event aims to further discuss cooperative and autonomous technologies for cooperative and automated driving. Similar to the past, the Workshop also features an Industry Panel with experts from e.g. OEMs, Suppliers, Telecom and ICT, which will again foster the interactive exchange of academia and industry.

Topics of interest

The technical areas to be discussed include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Connected and Automated Vehicles
  • V2X communication technologies
  • C-ITS deployment
  • Standardization
  • 5G/6G research and testing
  • C-ITS Architecture
  • Impacts evaluation of cooperative and automated transport


Meng Lu (The Netherlands), Steering Committee Member, IEEE Future Networks Technical Community (FNTC); VP Standards Activities, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS)

Dr. Meng Lu (The Netherlands) – ITS Aeolix; VP Standards Activities, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS); Chair, ITSS Standards Committee (ITSS/SC); Steering Committee Member, IEEE Future Networks Technical Community (FNTC). Previously, Strategic Innovation Manager at Peek Traffic (NL), Program Manager at the Dutch Institute of Advanced Logistics (NL), and Visiting Professor at the National Laboratory for Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University (CN). Active involvement in European R&D and innovation projects since 2005 in the domains of (C-)ITS, logistics, and (renewable) energy assessment. Contribution to standardization activities of ISO/TC 204, CEN and IEEE. PhD at LTH (Faculty of Engineering), Lund University, Sweden; Master’s title and degree of Engineering in The Netherlands and P.R. China.

Tim Leinmüller, Corporate R&D / DENSO AUTOMOTIVE Deutschland GmbH, Germany

Tim Leinmüller is heading DENSO’s European fundamental technology R&D department. His group is responsible for R&D in the domains of cybersecurity, microcontrollers, in-vehicle networks, and wireless communication. Tim is responsible for DENSO’s involvement in the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA), where he is Vice Chair of the board. Furthermore, he is representing DENSO in connectivity and CCAM (Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility) related activities in ETSI, CLEPA, ERTRAC, VDA, the CCAM Partnership, and the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA). In total, Tim is working in the connected vehicles domain for more than 15 years. He is/has been serving in related organizations in multiple positions, amongst others as member of the technical committee and as chair of the architecture working group in the CAR 2 CAR Communication Consortium (C2C-CC).

Javier Ibanez-Guzman, Renault S.A., France

Dr. Javier Ibanez-Guzman received the M.S.E.E. degree from the University of Pennsylvania, USA, as a Fulbright Scholar, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Reading on an UK SERC fellowship. He was Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. Currently Corporate Expert on Autonomous Systems at Renault S.A., and Co-Director of the SIVALab Common Laboratory between the CNRS, UTC Compiegne and Renault working on intelligent vehicle technologies. Senior Editor and Associated Editor for related IEEE Transactions as well as representative to ISO groups associated to automated vehicles and AI. He is an expert to the EU and Eureka research programmes. Formerly, he was a Senior Scientist with SimTech, A-Star research institute, Singapore, where he spearheaded work on autonomous ground vehicles. He is a C.Eng. and Fellow of the Institute of Engineering Technology, U.K.



Opening & Introduction by Dr. Meng Lu (VP Standards Activities, IEEE ITSS; Steering Committee Member, IEEE FNTC; Chair, IEEE ITSS/SC)) & Tim Leinmüller, Denso, Germany)


01. Zubin Bhuyan (University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA): “Future-Proofing Work Zones: Real-Time Vehicle Analytics and Ontology-Driven Scene Understanding”


02. Clarissa Böker (DLR, Germany): “Full Coordination of Vehicles on Public Roads – First Findings of the MAD Approach”


03. Dr. Weitao Zhou (Tsinghua University, P.R. China): “Dynamically Conservative Autonomous Driving Planner for Corner Cases”


04. Dr. Javier Alonso-Mora (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands): “Contingency Games and Interaction-Aware Motion Planning”


05. Dr. Gaël Parfait Atheupe Gatcheu (ENSTA Paris | Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France): “The All Wheel Speed Balance Control Concept”


Coffee Break



06. Prof. Javier Del Ser Lorente (Tecnalia, Spain): “Safety and Trustworthiness in AI-based Cooperative and Autonomous Driving Systems”


07. Dr. Thomas Monninger (Mercedes-Benz, Research & Development North America): “Automated HD Mapping from Sparse Vehicle Observations”


08. Dr. Javier Ibanez-Guzman (Renault, France): “Deployment of Autonomous Vehicles at Scale: Perception Uncertainty and Locality”


09. Dr. Hadj Hamma Tadjine (IAV, USA): “Expected Changed for the Next Generation Emergency Call”


Lunch Break



10. Robert Gee (Continental Automotive Systems, Inc., USA): “Pushing the Right Buttons: Accelerating CAD Deployment”


11. Jim Misener (Qualcomm, USA): “Considerations and Applications using Sensor Sharing for Cooperative and Automated Driving as Specified in SAE J3224”


12. Tom Lusco (Iteris, USA): “Beyond 30 MHz: Coordinating Communications Use”


13. Dr. Ignacio Alvarez (Intel Labs, USA): “Automated Driving and Intelligent Transportation Solutions”


Industry Panel I: Automated Vehicles, Connectivity, Architectures, Testing and Validation

(Moderator: Tim Leinmüller (Denso, Germany))


Coffee break



Industry Panel II: ITS Standards Update (hybrid)

(Moderator: Javier Ibanez-Guzman (Renault, France | Vice-Chair, ITSS/SC)

14. IEEE ITSS/SC Standards Activities Update, Meng Lu (Chair, ITSS/SC); Siyuan Tang (WTI, P.R. China | Secretary, ITSS/SC)

15. IEEE VTS ITS Standards Activities Update, Justin McNew (JMC Rota Inc., USA | Chair, VTS Standards Committee ITS)

16. IEEE ITSS Standards Topics 2019-2022, Nobuyuki Ozaki (Nagoya University, Japan | Member, ITSS/SC)

17. ITS Industry Roundtables Outcomes 2023-2024, Jim Misener (Qualcomm, USA | Member, ITSS/SC); Ignacio Alvarez (Intel Labs, USA | Member, ITSS/SC); Javier Ibanez-Guzman (Renault, France | Vice-Chair, ITSS/SC)

Panel Discussions: IEEE ITS Standardization (WG) Topics and Scopes, Synergies, and Cooperation within IEEE and other SDOs


Closing Remarks: Tim Leinmüller (Denso, Germany) & Meng Lu (Chair, IEEE ITSS/SC; Steering Committee Member; IEEE FNTC; VP, IEEE ITSS)