Under the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Bylaws, several Vice President positions are available to support the management and strategic direction of our Society. The Vice Presidents play a crucial role in overseeing various aspects of the Society’s operations, including financial, conferences, publication, technical, membership, administrative, educational, standards, and outreach. Their responsibilities involve active participation in Executive Committee (ExCom) and Board of Governors (BoG) meetings, which are typically held during our flagship conferences such as the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) and the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), as well as through regular teleconferences. You can see our current Officers here. Position descriptions for these positions are described in the Bylaws.

In this year, the IEEE ITS Society welcomes nominations and self-nominations for the following 2025-2026 leadership positions:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice President for Financial Activities
  • Vice President for Educational Activities (incumbent officer is not eligible for re-election)
  • Vice President for Technical Activities
  • Vice President for Standards Activities
  • Vice President for Administrative Activities
Eligibility to run and hold the offices of the Vice President positions is open to all Society officers, BoG members, and technical and standing committee chairs, who held one or more of such positions for at least one year during the five years prior to the election i.e. during the 2020 – 2024 period.

A person may be nominated for more than one position; however, separate nominations must be submitted for each position.  Incumbent officers must submit their nominations should they wish to be re-elected.  Nominations for re-elections can also be made by a nominator or by self-nomination.

It is important for the BoG to understand how each of the candidates plans to contribute to the Society in the intended role. The nominator is responsible for providing a nomination which should be comprised of:

  • Qualifications including the candidate’s eligibility and experience (up to 400 words)
  • Position statement outlining candidate’s visions and plans for the position if elected (up to 700 words). Please make sure your position statement will address our current ITSS’ strategic goals and priorities described in the ITSS Strategic Plan.

Nomination should be submitted online by 11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth Time (AoE) on 05 September 2024. Nominations will not be accepted after this deadline.

This election will take place on Monday, 23 September 2024 at the ITSS BoG Meting in Edmonton, Canada. Nominations from the floor at the meeting is allowed but discouraged as there will be no opportunity to submit a full-scale nomination material.

VP candidates who are the current incumbent officers, or BoG members, are expected to attend the Election Meeting in person. They should immediately contact the Nominations and Appointments Standing Committee Chair if they find that due to unpredicted circumstances, they will be unable to attend the Election Meeting in person but still wish their nomination(s) would be included in the Election Meeting Agenda and presented via a live video link.

VP candidates who are not currently incumbent officers, nor on the ITSS BoG, are eligible to present their candidacy via a live video link.

Cristina Olaverri-Monreal
IEEE-ITSS Nominations and Appointments Standing Committee Chair