Call for 2025 IEEE ITSS New Initiatives Proposal
Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025
Background Information
IEEE ITSS is opening its call for the 2025 New Initiatives proposals. All IEEE ITSS members are eligible and encouraged to submit proposals. Under this funding cycle, each funded project must be completed by December 31, 2025.
ITSS welcomes all activities that can benefit the growth of the society and its activity areas (conferences, membership, publications, technical activities, educational activities, standards, and outreach). However, the following areas cannot be funded according to IEEE guidelines:
- University, private company, and individual research and development projects, including prototypes and testing products
- Venture capital for patent–able inventions
- Humanitarian activities typically funded through other IEEE mechanisms
- Overhead (general and administrative or indirect costs)
- Ongoing activities or operational costs of the applicant
- Construction or building renovations
- Lobbying or electioneering
- Commercial promotion activities
- Personal or commercial loans
- Grants with an individual as the sole beneficiary
- Scholarships to individuals or institutes
- Endowments
- Participation of specific/individual teams at competitions or conferences
- Extensive travel and meeting expenses
ITSS New Initiatives Proposal Preparation and Submission Guidelines:
- Submission deadline: 11:59 PM on January 31, 2025, US Pacific Time.
- Only IEEE ITSS members are eligible to submit proposals.
- If you have previously funded New Initiatives projects, you cannot receive new funding support unless a final report of the previous project is received.
- Each New Initiatives proposal, in principle, cannot exceed the total budget of $40,000 USD. Proposals with a budget over $40,000 USD will be discussed at the ITSS BoG. ITSS BoG reserves the right to make final decisions.
- The ITSS Finance Standing Committee will review the proposals submitted and make an initial evaluation. Recommendations will be made to the ITSS BoG for discussion and final approval.
- Please complete the proposal template using 2025 IEEE ITSS New Initiatives Proposal Template.docx and submit your proposal to Lingxi Li, VP Finance, at with the subject line: “2025 ITSS New Initiatives Proposal”.
- Reporting mechanism: Within 30 days of the project completion, the project leader(s) shall submit a final report to the ITSS Finance Standing Committee at A final report template will be provided to you.
We kindly request you to circulate the CFP among your research circle and academic community who may benefit from it.
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