Our Society values the involvement of volunteers in the organization and management of our conferences and events.

Are you interested in assisting with conferences and workshops? We invite you to become one of our active members!

Here are some examples of how you can volunteer in this area:

  • Actively attend workshops, symposia, and conferences: Engage by asking questions, interacting with your peers, and exchanging ideas.
  • Assist in running events: Distribute the call for papers and participation, design and implement the meeting website, write and review papers in your area of expertise, prepare files for the proceedings, assist in setting up the meeting site, welcome attendees at the registration desk, assist with audiovisual needs, set up poster rooms, and provide information and tourist tips to attendees.
  • Become involved in proposing a meeting: Discuss contracts with service providers, arrange social events with hotels and restaurants, prepare budgets, submit proposals to the ITSS governing bodies, and manage volunteers or volunteer groups.
  • Propose a new meeting: Serve as a general chair and define the structure and management of the meeting, or as a program chair who leads the organization of the technical program and the selection of papers.
  • Mentor young colleagues in proposing and organizing a meeting.

Contact the Vice President for Conferences at vp_conferences@ieee-itss.org or the Outreach Committee at outreach@ieee-itss.org!

We need each and every one of YOU!