The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS) strives to maintain a high level of excellence and collaboration in the field of intelligent transportation. As part of our commitment to improving knowledge sharing and fostering innovation, we encourage event organizers and participants to submit post-conference reports. These reports provide valuable insights into the outcomes, discussions, and impact of the conferences, workshops, or symposiums held under the IEEE ITSS umbrella.

Goal of the Post-Conference Report

The purpose of the Post-Conference Report is to document the key achievements, findings, and overall impact of the event. It serves as a summary of the conference proceedings, highlighting notable discussions, technical sessions, keynotes, and outcomes that contribute to the advancement of intelligent transportation systems.

The post-conference report is a valuable resource for:

  • Reflecting on the success and areas for improvement of the event
  • Sharing insights and results with the broader IEEE ITSS community
  • Enhancing future event planning and organizing efforts
  • Contributing to the field of intelligent transportation systems

This report allows the IEEE ITSS to track the progress of the field, identify trends, and ensure that the goals of the society are being met.

Steps to Submit Your Post-Conference Report

To streamline the process of submitting a post-conference report, please follow the steps outlined below. Upon completion, please submit the report using the form provided.

Post-Conference Report Submission Form