
2023 IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 2023)

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We are excited to welcome participants to the 20th Annual IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI). This year’s conference will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina USA on October 2-3, 2023. Please look at Venue and Attractions for the event location and reservation.

Paper submission: The submission is open until May 15th. For details, please take a look at the call for papers.

The IEEE Intelligent Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), sponsored by the IEEE ITS Society, is the leading international scientific conference on interdisciplinary research on information technology for intelligence, safety, and security. Over the years, the conference has evolved from its traditional orientation of intelligence and security domain towards a more integrated alignment of multiple domains, including technology, humans, organization, and security. The scientific community has increasingly recognized the need to address intelligence and security threats by understanding the interrelationships between these different components, and by integrating recent advances from different domains.

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