THE IEEE INTELLIGENT VEHICLES SYMPOSIUM (IV 2023) is the premier annual forum organized by the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS). Researchers, academicians, and practitioners from universities, industry, and government agencies are invited to submit their latest research papers, simulation challenges, and applications on Intelligent Vehicles and Intelligent Vehicle Infrastructures. The conference will feature Plenary Talks, Technical Sessions, Poster Sessions, Tutorials, Workshops, Exhibition and Industrial Demo Challenges. The technical presentations are characterized by a single session format so that all attendees remain in a single room for multilateral communications in an informal atmosphere. Workshops will be offered on the first day followed by three days of presentations and a vehicle demonstration day. An exhibition area will be available for the presentation of products and projects. The IEEE IV 2023 will take place in Anchorage Alaska, USA and will offer a competitive Technical Program and a Memorable Social Program.
Important Dates
- Workshop Proposal Deadline – October 15, 2022
- Tutorial Proposal Deadline – November 15, 2022
- Paper Submission Deadline – February 01, 2023
- Notification of Acceptance – March 30, 2023
- Final Paper Submission – April 22, 2023
Organizing Committee
- Saif alZahir, General Chair
- Kenrick Mock, Co-General Chair
- Frederic Dufaux, Technical Program Co-Chair
- Meng Lu, Technical Program Co-Chair
- Sohail Dianat, Finance Chair