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ITSS Courses

27 Apr 2022

Autonomous Vehicles, Platooning and Traffic Flow Control for Connected Vehicles


The purpose of the short course is to introduce the concepts of autonomous vehicles and platooning and associated designs and analysis with emphasis on safety. In addition connectivity will enable the infrastructure to control traffic flow in a much more efficient way. Vehicle automation has been viewed as a solution that will lead to [...]

27 Apr 2022

Simulation-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment


Objectives Illustrate the capabilities of a simulation-based DTA framework for the evaluation of ITS technologies. Provide a hands-on experience modeling and analyzing ITS technologies, using a simulation-based DTA framework Primary Audience This tutorial is tailored for researchers interested in the evaluation of ITS technologies for the real-word. The tutorial will help understanding the capabilities [...]

27 Apr 2022

Introduction to the Robustness Analysis of Systems


This course is an introduction to the tools needed for robustness analysis, and their future use in the design of robust controllers. The course provides the necessary knowledge for the design, simulation and implementation of robust controllers. The examples are of special interest for ITS.

20 Apr 2022

Introduction to Vehicular Robotic Modeling with V-REP (Nov 2017)


Nowadays modeling and simulation are essential tools in most of engineering fields. V-REP (Virtual Robot Experimentation Platform) defined itself as “the Swiss army knife among robot simulators” and thanks to its many features is called to be a reference weapon in intelligent vehicles development. This course introduces the simulator and it basic operation focusing [...]

4 Apr 2022

Introduction to Intelligent Transportation


The course is designed for young professionals and recently graduated students who have their first contact with Intelligent Transportation Systems. Using an easy language and audiovisual content it is intended to be a first approach to the topic to all those people who find the field of ITS interesting, but never had the opportunity [...]

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