2017 Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies
“Sponsored by Toyota Motor Corporation”
Alberto Broggi, VisLab
Leadership in vehicular environmental perception, and for setting worldwide milestones in safe and reliable intelligent vehicles.
Scope: For outstanding accomplishments in the application of technology in the fields of interest of IEEE that improve the environment and/or public safety.
2017 IEEE Educational Activities Board
“Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education”
Cristina Olaverri-Monreal, UAS Technikum Wien
Designing and implementing innovative courses and programs in the field of intelligent transportation systems.
Scope: For the dedicated contribution to the design, delivery, and support of continuing education courses and programs in the fields of interest to IEEE members.
2016 IEEE Transportation Technologies Award
Petros Ioannou, University of Southern California
Contributions to the Design, Analysis, and Implementation of Adaptive Cruise-Control Systems.
2013 IEEE Medal for Environmental and Safety Technologies
Tsuneo Takahashi
Pioneering the development of navigation technology in automobiles.
Mr. Takahashi is CEO of NF Corporation in Yokohama, Japan, and formerly vice president of Honda. In the 1970s, barely out of college, and before the popularity and availability of GPS for non-governmental purposes, Tsuneo Takahashi developed a self-position navigation system. In 1981 he demonstrated the first use of vehicle navigation displayed on an in-vehicle map. Mr. Takahashi’s patents laid the groundwork for today’s vehicle navigation systems.
IEEE’s highest awards are the IEEE Medals. Administered by the IEEE Board through the IEEE Awards Board, there are currently 16 such medals.
Each year, in a stunning ceremony, these awards are presented at the IEEE Honors Ceremony. The 2013 ceremony was held in San Diego California in June.
Mr. Takahashi is featured at 34:29-38:52. See page 8 of the accompanying book. Just before the ceremony, ITSS President Christoph Stiller, and BoG Member Emily Sopensky interviewed Mr. Takahashi for the ITSS Podcast.
The ITS Society thanks another long-time member, Professor Hideki Hashimoto for nominating Tsuneo Takahashi.
For those interested learning more about the IEEE Medal Awards, and their recipients, please go to ieee.org/awards. Deadlines for nominating are here: http://www.ieee.org/about/awards/boards_committees/awards_board.html.