IEEE ITS Lifetime Achievement Award is given annually for ITS researchers, practitioners, and research/development in place to recognize for exemplary contributions to Intelligent Transportation Systems over their career.

To be eligible for the lifetime award, the nominee should be at least 65 years old.


To recognize the exemplary contributions to Intelligent Transportation Systems over a career. (Established in 2017)


The honoraria prize of $5,000 is intended to cover all travel expenses and plaque for the award. Single annual award with only one allowable recipient selected annually. Recipient receives full prize including honoraria, and, if applicable, plaque and/or certificate.


The applicant should be at least 65 years of age.

Basis for Judging

Submissions are evaluated based on 1) technical contributions, 2) significance to ITS field, and 3) the quality of recommendation letters. Each category is scored on a 1-10 scale and summed for a total score averaged among committee members during the first round. The second round of scoring ranks the top submissions for final award after committee discussion.


The award is presented during the banquet during the society’s flagship meeting, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference.

Past Awardees

2023Wei-Bin Zhang University of California, Berkeley
For his pioneering research on Connected and Automated Vehicles and his outstanding service to the IEEE ITS Society
2022Chelsea C. White III Georgia Institute of Technology
For pioneering the development of ITS and the creation of the IEEE ITS Society
2021Ümit Özgüner
Pioneering Contributions in Research on Intelligent Vehicles and the Founding of the IEEE ITS Society
2020Masayoshi Tomizuka
Pioneering Contributions in Sensing and Controls in Intelligent Transportation Systems
2018Pravin Varaiya
Pioneering Work in Sensing and Controls in Intelligent Transportation Systems
2016Ernst D. Dickmanns
Pioneering Work in the Field of Autonomous Vehicles
2014Lyle Saxton
For the Leadership in Fostering the National Research and Development Programs of Intelligent Transportation Systems in the United States and the Founding of the IEEE ITS Society.