
The IEEE ITSS Standards Committee, led by the IEEE ITSS VP Standards Activities, was launched in 2019. The ITSS standardization activities target direct contributions to the development of IEEE standards, led by the IEEE Standards Association (SA), in the ITS domain, covering cooperative and automated driving, multi-modal mobility network management, and sustainable (use of) digital and physical infrastructure.

Meng Lu Headshot

VP Standards

Meng Lu
Aeolix ITS


To strengthen the position of IEEE standards activities by enhancing, in a broad range of industries, the efforts for the development of global standards in the domain of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), targeting industry-driven standards with prominent deployment potential that entail substantial benefits for the industry and the society as a whole.


Play an active role in activities concerning standardization for ITS, by closely monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the ongoing technical developments and progress in the ITS domain, the status of ITS standardization efforts, and the needs for new ITS standardization initiatives; and by initiating such initiatives as appropriate. All this in close cooperation with all parties having an interest in ITS standardization, especially industry, but also other groups involved.

Main Objectives

  • Establish liaisons with IEEE SA, relevant IEEE societies, and standardization bodies outside IEEE;
  • Bring industry players on-board to actively participate in the standardization initiative, process and development, while envisioning the landscape of ITS applications;
  • Collect specific needs and requirements for potential IEEE ITS standards and contribute to the standards development;
  • Initiate new ITS-related standardization activities as deemed relevant.


The IEEE ITSS standards activities are open for any interested party or person. Active contributions from volunteers are encouraged. Contact Meng Lu, VP Standards Activities


Since 2023, the Standards Committee of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS/SC), as Sponsor Committee or Joint Sponsor with VT/ITS/ADWG, has supported the following IEEE PARs (Project Authorization Requests):

  • P3377 In-Cabin Vehicle Sensing & Communication Networks (ITSS/SC/IVSCNWG)
    This standard targets technical requirements for and testing of in-cabin sensing systems and the supporting communication networks for automated vehicles Level 3 and above.
    • WG Chair: Hadj Hamma Tadjine.
  • P3344 Standard for Scenario Representation for Autonomous Driving (VT/ITS/ADWG)
    This standard specifies a representation of traffic scenarios for the training and validation of autonomous driving (AD) systems. The forms and features of this representation are described. The functions developed with such representation support a range of applications such as scenario extraction from road-test data, traffic simulations with naturalistic agent behavior, scenario generalization and optimization, and off-road scenario modeling.
  • P3412 Standard for Autonomous Driving Architecture (VT/ITS/ADWG)
    This standard defines a unified reference architecture denoted as Autonomous Driving Architecture (ADA). This architecture orchestrates all platform layers and coordinates signals, data, activities, and processes in the vehicle, and in the edge and cloud infrastructure. Furthermore, the standard defines interfaces and models, as well as schemes for ADA validation, verification, and compliance assessment.
  • P3432 Standard for Technical Requirements for Loss Reduction of Bulk Grain in Port (ITSS/SC/SPWG)
    This standard specifies the requirements for reducing grain losses during bulk grain port operations, including the technical requirements for loading and unloading operations and transit warehousing operations. This standard is applicable to bulk grain port operations.
    • WG Chair: Siyuan Tang.
  • P3439 Standard for Driving Risk Assessment Procedure in SAE Level 1-3 (ITSS/SC/IVREWG)
    The scope is to establish a standard procedure for evaluating driving risks in SAE Level 1-3. This standard will serve as a benchmark for assessing and refining various approaches to behavior modeling and prediction, ultimately contributing to the safety and efficiency of intelligent transportation systems. The goal of this standard is to outline a comprehensive procedure for evaluating driving risks, serving as a critical reference for all stakeholders involved in the development, implementation, and assessment of intelligent transportation systems.
    • WG Chair: Zirui Li.
  • P3442 Standard for Multimodal Logistics Corridors for Resilient Food Supply (ITSS/SC-MLCWG)
    This standard builds on existing standards for systems interoperability and data exchange across different transport modes, sectors and countries along the supply chain. In addition, it enables to establish smart multimodal corridors that can withstand crises and ensure that safe and nutritious food is available to all during normal times and crises.
    • WG Chair: Stefan Sauermann.
  • P3472 Standard for Developing Parallel Autonomy systems within Passenger Vehicles (VT/AVSC)
    This standards defines an autonomy system architecture for light-duty vehicles for personal use of drivers or passengers that are operating on public roads; and proposes guidelines on how these systems need to be designed and tested.
    • WG Chair: Divya Garikapati
  • P3473 Standard for Technical Requirements for Large Scale Artificial Intelligence Models for Rail Transit (ITSS/SC/STWG)
    This standard specifies the technical and application requirements of large scale Artificial Intelligence (AI) models for rail transit, including the basic requirements of scenario application capability, performance, security, basic model capability, model service capability, and other dimensions. This standard provides guidance to rail transit companies, power generation enterprises, and power dispatching agencies to carry out capacity building, application and evaluation of services based on large scale AI models.
    • WG Chair: Yuxin Cao

IEEE ITS Society Industry Roundtable

What standards gaps need to deploy interoperable connected and automated vehicles can the IEEE ITS Society fill?

In conjunction with the TRB Automated Road Transportation Symposium (ARTS)

On Monday July 29th from 8:30 am – 12:00 pm at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Room Indigo 202 AB, IEEE ITS Society’s Standards Committee will convene an Industry Roundtable with dialog between a host of experts and meeting attendees. The outcome of the roundtable sessions will be recommendations on standards needs to foster deployment of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). We invite technically-, standards- and deployment-focused researchers and practitioners to this informative and productive dialog, ushering in both the 29 – 31 July ARTS meeting and for the longer term, standards-based deployment of CAVs.

For more information, please contact: Meng Lu, or Jim Misener.

Tutorial IEEE ITS Standards Development and Update

Join us on June 2, 2024, at IEEE IV 2024 in Jeju Island, Korea, for an interactive tutorial on “IEEE ITS Standards Development and Update.” Learn about IEEE standards, get involved, and gain insights into the latest standards in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Presented by experts including Dr. Meng Lu, this event is your opportunity to expand your career and network.

Workshop and Industry Panel on Cooperative and Automated Driving

Discover the latest in Cooperative and Automated Driving at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 2024’s “Workshop and Industry Panel.” Explore topics like Connected and Automated Vehicles, Security, 5G/6G research, and more. Join experts from industry and academia in this exciting exchange of ideas. Visit our page with the code WS1 IndustryPanelOnCooperative for details and paper submissions. Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the future of driving technology.