
Standards Activities

Standards Activities2024-09-16T13:28:38-04:00


The IEEE ITSS Standards Committee, led by the IEEE ITSS VP Standards Activities, was launched in 2019. The ITSS standardization activities target direct contributions to the development of IEEE standards, led by the IEEE Standards Association (SA), in the ITS domain, covering cooperative and automated driving, multi-modal mobility network management, and sustainable (use of) digital and physical infrastructure.

Meng Lu Headshot
Meng Lu
VP Standards Activities
Aeolix ITS


To strengthen the position of IEEE standards activities by enhancing, in a broad range of industries, the efforts for the development of global standards in the domain of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), targeting industry-driven standards with prominent deployment potential that entail substantial benefits for the industry and the society as a whole.


Play an active role in activities concerning standardization for ITS, by closely monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the ongoing technical developments and progress in the ITS domain, the status of ITS standardization efforts, and the needs for new ITS standardization initiatives; and by initiating such initiatives as appropriate. All this in close cooperation with all parties having an interest in ITS standardization, especially industry, but also other groups involved.

Main Objectives

  • Establish liaisons with IEEE SA, relevant IEEE societies, and standardization bodies outside IEEE;
  • Bring industry players on-board to actively participate in the standardization initiative, process and development, while envisioning the landscape of ITS applications;
  • Collect specific needs and requirements for potential IEEE ITS standards and contribute to the standards development;
  • Initiate new ITS-related standardization activities as deemed relevant.


The IEEE ITSS standards activities are open for any interested party or person. Active contributions from volunteers are encouraged. Contact Meng Lu, VP Standards Activities

Current Activities

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