Strategic Plan and Long-Term Planning of the IEEE ITS Society
1. Scope of the Strategic Plan
The continuous strategic planning effort by the ITS Society is to help guide the Society as we move forward in our quest to serve our members, those of IEEE and the overall ITS Community and bring focus and momentum that will move ITS society to the next level of success, demonstrated by increased performance, sustainability, relevancy, and visibility. The strategic plan represents a broad guidance from the Board of Governors and inputs from society members.
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Society (ITSS) strategy shall build on the work of the ITSS Board of Governors (BoG) and the IEEE ITSS Long-Term Planning Committee. This document is intended to provide an impetus for potential positive developments of the Society. It should help to identify and evaluate opportunities available to our Society and should be considered in its day-by-day operations. This document is neither static nor intended to be exhaustive. It shall rather be maintained in a process and updated to continuously reflect the prominent needs and dominant ideas for the future of our Society from ITS stakeholders.
The action plans in strategic themes are led by ITSS officers with the support of the Long-Term Planning Committee and the ITSS (BoG). The goals and two-year and five-year action plans for each area are developed with the following considerations:
- Meet the diverse and evolving professional needs of worldwide ITSS communities.
- Create new initiatives that encourage innovation and collaboration to improve and grow ITSS.
- Inspire, guide, and empower professionals to engage in and benefit from ITSS activities.
2. Vision of ITSS
ITSS shall be the major volunteer-led international community and networking platform to interchange, discuss and foster progress in scientific research and innovations in the field of ITS for the benefit of humanity. It shall be open to and attract scientists, engineers, practitioners, students, and policy makers in our field.
ITSS shall be essential to the global transportation communities and be recognized for its outstanding contributions in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems as demonstrated through Society’s products, services, and offerings in the areas of conferences, publications, education, technical and standard activities, industry relations, and member services.
3. Mission of ITSS
The purpose of ITSS is to bring together the community of scientists and engineers who are involved in the field of interest stated herein, and to advance the professional standing of the members and affiliates. ITSS is scientific, literary, and educational in character to provide a forum for the discussion and exchange of information to advance the theory, design, development, and application of intelligent transportation systems. ITSS aids in promoting close cooperation and exchange of technical information among its members and affiliates, and as means to these ends shall hold public meetings for the reading and discussion of periodical and special works of literature, science, and art pertaining thereto, the initiation and development of engineering standards, and any other activities necessary, suitable and proper for the fulfillment of these objectives. Through its committees, the ITSS studies and provides for the needs of its members and affiliates.
4. Goals
One of the main goals is to operate as the leading professional organization in multimodal Intelligent Transportation Systems technologies for advancing research, innovation, technologies, and professional networking. The following goals are established to tackle the key challenges that are critical for the future of IEEE ITS Society.
G1: Be the Leading Society for ITS Conference Activities (Lead: VP Conferences)
- Organize the leading conferences, meetings, and events covering the entire spectrum of ITS subject areas.
- Ensure ITSS conferences are the premier venues for ITS/AV research with strong ties to national and international labs and industries.
G2: Be the Leading Society for ITS Technical Activities (Lead: VP Technical Activities)
- Become a home society for technical forums of critical and emerging ITS technologies.
- Be a leading society in the field of automated and connected driving technologies.
- Be an academic-industry liaison to facilitate ‘rubber meets the road’ – deployment of advanced ITS research products.
- Play an important role in standards and deployment of ITS technologies.
G3: Be the Leading Society for ITS Next-Generation Publications (Lead: VP Publications)
- Offer the leading journals, magazines, and online platform contents for both industry and academia.
- Grow existing publications and develop new publications to cover multiple ITS frontiers.
G4: Deliver High-Quality Professional Educational Training and Certification (Lead: VP Education)
- Develop leading educational content and disseminate to international professionals and non-professionals.
- Use education as a main driver for personal development, with a particular emphasis on graduate students.
G5: Improve Membership Service and Steadily Grow Membership (Lead: VP Membership)
- Sustain growth of society membership and satisfaction of members.
- Encourage diversity across all ITSS activities.
- Provide valuable membership services to encourage the advantages of joining.
- Revitalize volunteer activities to increase engagement.
- Recognize volunteers and leader’s efforts.
G6: Be the Leading Organization for ITS Technology Standards (Lead: VP Standards)
- Be recognized as a key player for the development of high-quality, market-relevant standards in various areas of ITS.
- Play a central role for standards on cooperative infrastructure-vehicle detection and localization for automated vehicles.
G7: Be Recognized as a Society that Meets Current and Future Challenges (Lead: President)
- Be a source of expert knowledge on needs, opportunities, and challenges for ITS technologies.
- Be a forum for issue discussions, consensus building, standard development both within IEEE as well as international ITS communities.
G8: Maintain Financial Sustainability as an IEEE Technical Society (Lead: VP Finance)
- Keep the ITS Society’s finances healthy, while maximizing opportunities for members.
- Avoid any financial pitfalls in any budgetary area.
- Create reasonable annual budgets, avoiding any over-expenditures of budget categories.
- Provide funding to support Society’s programmatic needs (education, technical activities, students, awards, etc.).
- Encourage the development of new initiatives within the Society.
- Monitor and track the progress of new initiatives as they are carried out.
5. Strategy
The ITS Society is well connected to and has liaisons with other transportation and related technology professional organizations in the technical world, such as the ITS World Congress, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Society of Automotive Engineers, Transportation Research Board, and government agencies responsible for transportation policies and infrastructures.
ITSS’s strategic goal is to continuously maintain its connections with and influences upon the decision-making organizations, provide expertise in the ITS field, produce standards, and grow stronger as a reference point for scientific research. Future plans for the ITS Society are to increase its visibility through its successful conferences and workshops, well-respected publications, and educational and technical activities. These visions and missions are projected to the following strategies in the organizational fields of ITSS.
On a global level, the young ITS Society has to maintain control of its growth in activities. Although enthusiastic volunteers and seed money to launch a new activity are often found easily, it is important to consolidate our activities.
In a nutshell, the following are the major strategy items:
- IEEE ITSS Branding: Every IEEE ITSS product, whether a publication, a conference, or an educational or technical activity shall have an excellent level of quality at any time. In addition, IEEE ITSS periodicals will become the top publications in the field of ITS in terms of impact.
- IEEE ITSS shall produce and visibly offer the most relevant information related to ITS, including its contributions to the standardization of ITS products.
- IEEE ITSS offers excellent networking opportunities at its conferences and meetings.
- IEEE ITSS fosters its members, particularly its young professionals and underrepresented groups.
On a global level, the ITS Society must balance its growth in activities. It is important to consolidate and facilitate collaborative planning and execution of our activities.
S1: Publications
Publications Status: Recently ITSS had fast growth in its publications.
Mature publications grow:
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems – page count growth has been continuous and substantial. It has a high impact factor.
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles has matured and is growing in page count. An impact factor is expected soon.
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine has been growing in page count and diversity of papers and topics. It has a high impact factor.
- IEEE Open Access on Intelligent Transportation Systems recently established has been attracting high-quality papers.
- IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Newsletter has a high subscriber base: > 16,000.
Publication formats aiming at new user groups :
- ITS Podcast – audio podcast.
Publications Strategy:
- High-Quality Branding: Maintain and enhance the IEEE ITSS publications as a high-quality brand.
Ascertain a thorough review process for all ITSS publications (including conference proceedings). Clearly separate acceptance process of submissions from financial issues (e.g. payment of open access fee, conference registration).
- Carefully grow mature publications: The ever-increasing number of submissions to the Transactions on ITS shall be used to increase the number of issues per year and split it into two Transactions, e.g. maintain “IEEE Transactions on ITS” and establish a novel “IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.”
- Enhance Attractiveness: Develop new formats that attract new reader groups, integrating new media.
- Some examples would be podcasts, video streams, discussion groups in social media, etc. It is crucial to monitor that these activities do not dilute our ITSS brand
- Explore opportunities for new publications in the areas of emerging ITS policies, technologies, and applications.
S2: Conferences
Conferences Status: Two annual flagship conferences (ITSC and IV) with 400-800 attendees and a number of smaller conferences exist. Conferences are a major source of Society’s income.
Conferences Strategy:
- Carefully maintain a high-quality level and grow flagship Conferences (ITSC and IV). Focus on quality and reduce Society’s dependency on conference surplus.
- Establish networking aspect of conferences for Society, e.g. through collocated meetings of Society Administrative and Technical Committees and local chapters. Implement sponsored events for IEEE Young Professionals (IYPs) and underrepresented groups.
- Establish a greater presence in underrepresented regions (R7, R9) through outreach and conference hosting.
- Hold mature smaller conferences. Quality is the most important issue!
- Build a consistent conference management approach.
S3: Technical Activities
Technical Activities Status:
- Established the Technical Activities Committee (TAC), consisted of VPTA and BoG members.
- Reorganized and streamlined nine technical committees (TC’s) and one special interest group (SIG). The level of technical activities led by these committees are very moderate.
- Published TA Column in the IEEE ITS-Magazine.
- Organized tutorial/workshop at ITSC and IV and guest-edited special Issues in the T-ITS and T-IV.
Technical Activities Strategy:
- Strengthen the leadership role of the newly established Technical Activities Committee.
- Increase the level and enhance the quality of technical activities through collective efforts of TAC and each TC in collaboration with other ITSS areas.
- Foster and expand partnership with technical units within IEEE and external professional associations and organizations in ITS related fields such as ITE, TRB, AASHTO, ITS America, SAE, and other international organizations.
- Develop collaborative activities with industrial partners to attract more engineers joining ITSS and participating in ITSS led technical activities and initiatives.
- Collaborate with the ITSS EAB to contribute to innovative course content and develop synergies between the industry needs and the academic world.
- Collaborate with the ITSS Standards Committee to contribute to the development of IEEE standards in the ITS field by working with other IEEE units and outside professional associations such as ITE.
- Get involved in public policy and regulation areas to provide expert inputs and recommendations to government and regulatory agencies.
S4: Membership
Membership Status:
- Achieved healthy membership growth.
- Student Activity Chair and Student Activities have recently been introduced at flagship conferences.
- Award Program implemented.
- A number of ITSS Chapters have been founded around the world.
- BoG has approved to initiate the Distinguished Lecturer Program.
Membership Strategy:
- Provide more opportunities for skill-building and career development for IEEE Young Professionals.
- Extend student activities to YPs including practitioners.
- Active development of local ITSS Chapters, jointly with regions, e.g. through Distinguished Lecturer Program, recognition, and funds for active chapters, summer schools, etc.
- Provide more support for social networking platforms and guidance for practitioners.
- Restructure the ITSS awards in terms of simplifying nomination materials, building a large pool of high-level candidates and senior reviewers, streamlining the review process, etc.
- Enhance the nomination process (awards, and nominations of fellow and senior memberships) to distinguish and appreciate IEEE leaders in the ITS fields and ITSS volunteers.
- Aim to pass a membership number of 2000 in a mid-term.
S5: Finances
Finances Status:
- Create functional budgets to enable key operational activities within society.
- Monitor monthly finances, making adjustments as necessary to keep the finances healthy.
Finances Strategy:
- Budget each year with small net profitability.
- Follow up with annual initiative projects, making sure that they are completed on time and within budget.
- Reduce overall dependency on conference surplus, since this can be quite volatile.
- Encourage publication growth since this is a major source of income for society.
- Encourage the development of educational activities that can be self-supportive financially.
- Develop society growth strategies that can be sustainable against anticipated changes in the IEEE financial model.
S6: Education
Education Strategy:
- Extend the offer of the online short courses, with instructors who are authorities/influential in respected ITS Field.
- Advertise the offer of the online short courses within the EA offer of IEEE. o Further consolidate IEEE Tutorials/Courses/Summer Schools.
- Seek opportunities to develop contacts and joint projects with industry, academia, and governmental agencies that can promote education in engineering, computing, and technology (industrial tracks and tutorials at the conferences and queries to the industry regarding their needs (in Synergy with the VP TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES).
- Introduce a payment system for courses after accreditation.
- Offer a joint ITS program with universities.
- Offer a pre-college program.
- Emphasize accreditation.
S7: Standard/Industrial Relations
Standards Status:
- Launching new standard activity in society from the beginning of 2019.
- Benchmarking scopes of related organizations such as TC22, TC204, RP29: found to be mostly in-vehicle’s scope including telecommunication.
- Initiating and accelerating standard activity by CoS funding project titled “ Development of Needs and Scope for Cooperative infrastructure Vehicle Detection and Localization for Automated Vehicles”.
Standard Strategy:
- Defining possible standard scope through the CoS project.
- Issuing some standards with the assistance of SA.
6. Action Plans
AP1: Support Society’s Sustainable Financial Model (Lead: VP Finance).
- The overall financial vision is to maximize our available funding for the benefit of our members while keeping the finances healthy. The general goals for achieving this vision are to: o Establish reasonable and achievable financial targets that include a buffer in case there are unexpected over-expenditures during the yearly budgetary process.
- Do not overspend each year’s budget in all categories during the operational year.
- Provide guidance and advice to the ITSS leadership to avoid any possible financial pitfalls in any budgetary area.
- Seek out and provide funding to support specific programmatic needs (e.g., education, technical activities, awards, etc.).
- Work with the ITSS leadership and members to encourage the development of new ITSS initiatives.
- Monitor and track the progress of the ITSS initiatives.
- In 2020, we need to watch the budget carefully, due to the COVID19 situation and associated economic fallout. Specific action items include: o Make sure every planned conference does not go in the red, with the goal of achieving at least a breakeven status.
- Determine any potential savings from travels that do not take place, and apply those savings to other budgetary areas that may suffer from the current financial situation (e.g., conferences).
- Adjust our membership offerings, in order to maintain our current membership numbers, and possibly increase membership.
- Adjust our publication page numbers, so that we maximize the income for publications; direct these publication profits to other activities within the society, e.g., technical activities, educational activities, local chapters, etc.
- As part of the 2021 budgetary process, be extra conservative in our spending plans while our society experiences an economic recovery.
(2020-2025/Performance Metrics):
- The general performance metrics and targets established for ITSS include: o Have a net positive budget balance in the range of 2.5% – 5% of our overall revenue. To date, the ITS society has been around 5% – 10%, which can be considered to be too conservative each year. The target in the next five years is to achieve a yearly net positive budget balance in the range of 2.5% to 5%.
- Have an initiative funding spend-out rate of 100%. To date, the ITS society has been around 75% each year. The target in the next five years is to achieve a yearly initiative funding spend-out rate in the range of 90% to 100%.
- For every new publication, have a time to positive income in less than five years. To date, the ITS society has achieved this goal, with the exception of the ITS Magazine. The target in the next five years is to achieve a net positive balance with the ITS Magazine, and for the ITS Open Journal. o For each ITSS conference, have the conference income reserve at 20%. To date, our conferences have often been too profitable, having a reserve in the range of 20% to 50% or greater. The target in the next five years is to achieve an average conference income reserve rate of around 20%.
AP2: Organize high-quality Leading Conferences (Lead: VP Conferences).
- Streamline the communications channels.
- Consolidate the conference mailing list.
- Central repository for conference management
- Create a conference website template to ensure a consistent look/feel.
- Improve conference guidance/oversight.
- Conduct conference lineup analysis – area representation, funding trends (for organizers), and participation distribution.
- Ensure there are updated conference proposal guidelines and processes on the website.
- Develop conference manual – update links, best practices, localized information (VAT, management companies, etc.)
- Have application templates and examples ready for use.
- Keep up with TCS Policies.
- Transfer website to ITSS for archival.
- Update website actively – develop business processes.
- Increase the impact (quality) of meetings through lower acceptance rates.
- Provide more transparency/inclusion in the conference selection process.
- Add value/benefit to conference attendees. ○ More support (travel, registration, etc.).
- More consistent activities (YP/student, members-only).
- Encourage only 20% profit.
- Make sure to have a timely close of conferences (6/3 month – flagship/others).
- Ensure 25% of the budget from industry sponsorship/expo is for flagships.
(5-year plan)
- Examine conference offerings to address needs/growth.
- Develop rules for “quality” with an acceptance rate of <50%.
- Create a conference travel support program.
- Enlist a conference committee to help oversee and organize meetings.
(Performance measures)
- Creation of Conference Committee Recommendation Report with yearly updates.
- Aim for a 5% reduction in 3-year average acceptance rate for flagship conferences each year until <50% acceptance rate, link all conferences to Society AE/reviewer standards.
- Implement separate workshop proceedings.
- Have a 10% increase in the 3-year average of Industry sponsorship for flagship conferences with a target minimum of 10% of the budget.
- Have deadlines on the website by the previous year’s meeting (for flagships).
- Keep track of the number and amount of awards per year.
- Have a standing committee on the website with a yearly report.
AP3: Produce Next-Generation High Impact Publications (Lead: VP Publications).
- Solicit papers for the OA publication on ITS from top researchers to attract interest.
- Solicit special issues on transportation policy and economics in ITS Magazine or Transactions in order to evaluate interest and create beneficial contacts.
- Create a transactions publication on Policy and Economics.
- Establish an area of publication in the areas of collaboration with other societies through the Smart City Initiative.
Performance metrics
- Improve the impact factor of ITS publications.
- Increased number of submitted papers.
- Expand publications to areas not currently covered by publications.
- Keep improving the impact factor of the publications.
- Make the identity and scope of each publication more clear by minimizing overlaps among publications under the ITSS.
- Consider new publications in areas not currently covered by the existing publications.
- Continue outreach and maintain contact with members via newsletter and podcast as well as attract new members.
(5-year plan)
- Establish new Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Policy and Economics.
- Establish a new publication in Smart Cities in collaboration with other societies.
- Receive an impact factor for the new OA publication on ITS.
- Facilitate paper awards.
(Performance measures)
- Increase annual budget page. o Increase the annual page budget to allow for publishing up to 100 papers monthly, approximately 1400 pages per month/16800 pages per year.
- Gradually shorten the length of time between paper acceptance to paper publication.
- Currently 12 months waiting period. The higher page count will allow for this to occur. Next year to be 9-11 months, and to 6 months within five years.
- Allow access to accepted papers awaiting publishing to the Lead Editors of Special Issues with upcoming publication dates. o This will allow some papers waiting in the long publishing queue to be moved into quicker publication times
- Increase Diversity of underrepresented groups among the Transaction’s AEs and SEs. o Increase at least by 100% improvement over current numbers by next year (Current: 10 out of 113 editors), i.e. to reach 20+, and within 5 years, to reach 40-50% of the total.
- Reduce “Submission to Decision” time.
- Get positive ratings (no ratings so far, so it is hard to set a goal).
- Reducing “submission to publication” duration. The only pure Transaction dependent number is “Time to first decision”. We would like to have a 20% reduction per year in the next two years.
- Achieve gender equality among AE and SE’s. (Goal 1:1).
- Academia/Industry split among AE’s. (1:1).
- Increase submissions (20% growth rate for the next two years).
ITS Magazine:
- Reduce “Submission to Acceptance” time. o from 64 days (currently) to 62 days by 2025.
- Reduce “Submission to Publication” time. o Currently, some accepted papers are waiting to be published in the printed version for 16 months; the plan is to reduce this time to 6 months.
- Increase involvement of industry persons by 3% (from 14.8% to 17.8%) to get a better representation of industry experts on the Editorial Board.
- Have the Editorial Board Membership should mirror the submission of papers from IEEE Regions.
OA on ITS:
- 50 accepted papers every year.
- 75% of accepted papers published in 10 weeks after submission.
New Publications:
- Start a new OA publication on Smart Cities in collaboration with other societies.
- Start a new publication on Economics and Policy Issues for ITS.
AP4: Deliver High-quality Professional Development and Educational Training and Certifications (Lead: VP Education).
- Extend the offer of the online short courses.
- Hands-on Crash Course on Automation of Car-Like Mobile Robots.
- Introduction to robust control systems focusing on transport technologies.
- Hands-on Crash Course on Automation of Car-Like Mobile Robots.
- Further consolidate IEEE Tutorials/Courses/Summer Schools.
- Seek opportunities to develop contacts and joint projects with industry, academia, and governmental agencies that can promote education in engineering, computing, and technology (industrial tracks and tutorials at the conferences and queries to the industry regarding their needs (in synergy with the VP TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES).
- Introduce a payment system for courses after accreditation.
- Have a joint ITS program with universities.
- Offer a pre-college program.
- Promote accreditation.
(Performance Measures)
- Have a reasonable number of course participants
- Have a reasonable number of participants in online tutorials.
- Have a reasonable number of applications for certificates.
- Have positive feedback from educational services.
AP5: Stimulate technological advances through Diversified Member Engagement and Technical Networking (Lead: VP Technical Activities).
- Revitalize ITSS‘s technical activities.
- Formalize and streamline the ITSS Standing Committee on Technical Activities, or the Technical Activities Committee (TAC). TAC is chaired by VP Technical Activities and consists of BoG members representing both academia and industry.
- Develop operating procedures and 5-year implementation plans for TAC.
- Improve TAC’s communications with the ITSS ExCom/BoG and each technical committee. TAC will meet regularly via conference call and in-person during the ITSS flagship conferences when possible.
- Increase the level of TC’s technical activities.
- Conduct a comprehensive review of the current 9 TCs and streamline/restructure some TCs if needed. Each TC should consist of a chair and/or a vice-chair, as well as members.
- Develop basic requirements and processes for creating new TC and continuing operation of current TC.
- Establish mechanisms to communicate with TC chairs regularly.
- Develop expectations and performance evaluation process and metrics for each TC.
- Develop and execute the MOU for the proposed partnership between IEEE/ITSS and ITE.
- Establish a joint steering committee (or coordination committee) to coordinate and facilitate collaborative activities in various areas of collaboration.
- Organize a joint technical symposium or workshop in 2021.
- Form a joint ITSS/ITE working group to explore potential technical standards in integrated AV/infrastructure areas.
- Explore potential partnerships with other professional associations and organizations globally.
- Establish industry-sponsored activities such as an “industry meets academia” set of webinars, hackathons, and competitions.
- Strengthen IEEE’s global technical leadership in the field of ITS and related technical areas.
- Work with VP Conferences to develop high-quality tutorials, workshops, and special sessions at ITSC and IV in cutting edge research and emerging technologies in the field.
- Work with VP Publications to organize special issues in T-ITS and T-IV with high impact papers in convergent research and emerging technology areas.
- Work with VP Standards in collaboration with other professional associations and industry partners to contribute to the development of IEEE standards in ITS related technologies.
- Partner with industry to develop industry-sponsored technical activities to attract more engineers and practitioners from industry and other organizations to participate in ITSS activities.
- Work with VP Membership to increase industry membership.
- Work with VP Education to sponsor student hackathons and competitions.
- Work with VP Education to sponsor “Industry Meets Academia“ webinars.
- Partner with other professional associations (ITE, SAE) and research organizations (TRB) to develop policy recommendations and guidance to help government agencies in ITS related rule-making and public policy.
- Develop and execute an MOU with ITE (2020-2021).
- Explore potential partnerships with TRB, SAE, ITS America, and other professional associations in other regions of the world (2021-2025).
(Performance Metrics)
- Have 2-4 signed partnership MOUs with other professional associations/organizations.
- Have an increased number of collaborative technical activities with partners such as joint symposium, tutorial, workshop, etc. At least one such joint activity per year.
- Have an increased number of collaborative standards activities with partners: 2-4 standards working groups.
- Have an increased number of industrial members in the ExCom and BoG as well as membership in the ITSS by our collaborative work with other areas VPs.
- Have an increased number of student members in the ITSS through our collaborative work with the other VP areas.
AP6: Define and Oversee New Tactics for Sustainable Membership Numbers (Lead: VP Membership).
- Enhance Member Communication.
- Hold an IEEE/ITSS Member’s night during flagship conferences.
- Have regional forums during flagship conferences to provide opportunities for members to meet other members (and non-members) in their local region.
- Create a more user-friendly and up-to-date website.
- Personally attend local chapters’ events (representing ITSS).
- Create Brand Awareness.
- Have transactions and magazines on top in the transportation field.
- Distribute flyers at CVPR, ICRA, IROS, etc.
- Increase in Leadership Development.
- Encourage ITSS and conference award recipients to form local chapters and organize ITSS flagship conferences.
- Find active young professionals and develop them as regional leaders.
- Attract more qualified candidates for ITSS awards.
- Formation of Local Chapters. o Coordinate with local chapters for ITSS sponsored events/activities
- Diversity of ITSS (and local chapter) activities.
- Provide support, including financial ones, for various opportunities and events other than lectures and workshops, e.g., lab/factory tours, online education resources, career development seminars, etc.
- Start initiatives within ITSS and the local chapter committee to support academia and industry in developing local and regional partnerships.
- Diversity of ITSS (and local chapter) activities.
(2020-2025 Goals)
- Achieve top impacts of ITSS journal publications and flagship conferences in the ITS research field.
- Have 2500+ members and 15+ local chapters, and have high satisfaction from members.
(5-year plan)
- Retain existing memberships and attract new members.
- Create offers for lapsed members, e.g., a free invite to an event, limited-time free access to some resources, discounts for ITSS events, etc.
- Enhance member communication.
- Build professional-looking pages at the ITSS website complete with member directories, event calendars, downloadable resources, survey and feedback pages, etc.
- Create brand awareness.
- Restructure ITSS awards and build a large pool of high-level candidates to have prestigious recipients.
- Take a team effort together with the society outreach committee to promote ITSS as a whole.
- Increase leadership development.
- Reach out to active IV/ITSC participants and local chapters actively to develop regional leaders.
- Encourage and provide support to members (and potential members) to organize flagship conferences and form local chapters.
(Performance measures)
2020 Performance metrics
- Have the number of local chapters: 9 -> 10
- Have the number of members: 1742 -> 2000+
- Have the membership in Latin America: 1.4% -> 2%
2020-2025 Goals and Performance metrics
- Have the number of local chapters: 9 -> 15+ (considering time for administration)
- Have the number of local chapter activities per year per chapter: 2 -> 4
- Have the number of members: 1742 -> 2500+.
- Have the membership in Latin America: 1.4% -> 3%.
- Have the number of Fellow and Senior Member elevations per year: 2+.
- Number of ITSS Awards applications per year: 10+.
AP7: Provide a Proactive Approach and Environment to Standards Development (Lead: VP Standards).
- Conduct fact-finding by surveying regulations and standards in the areas of detection, localization, and the need for infrastructure support for AV.
- Identify the needs and scope of standards for cooperative infrastructure-vehicle detection and localization.
- Develop a white report to summarize the fact-finding results.
- Develop proposals for formal standard development.
- Establish study/working groups.
- Hold workshops with AV industrial and transportation stakeholders to develop standards.
- Develop standards for cooperative infrastructure-vehicle detection and localization.
(Performance Measures)
- Successful CoP Funding.
- Mobilization of Infra-supported Standard Pre-study activity.
- A report with substantial findings which was accepted positively by IEEE SA.
- Have successful proposals for formal SA activities based on the white paper developed through the fact-finding effort.
- Active engagement of industry representatives in the standard efforts.
- Establish a study group.
- Continue SA activity type (Standard/Recommendation/Guide) Scope.
- 2 Recommendation practices/ until 2025.
- Establish industrial sessions at both ITSC and IV presenting main findings from POC or test environment/facilities.
- 1 or 2 sessions from 2022.
AP8: Maintain a clear operating framework for all Society Governance and effective operation strategies (Lead: VP Administration).
- Review governing documents.
- Analyze ITSS operation to identify areas for improvements.
- Assist all officers to understand their responsibilities per the governing documents and abide by all provisions therein.
- Develop an archive system for all ITSS activity areas to ensure operational continuity.
- Develop IEEE contact list.
- Ensure continued compliance with all IEEE policies and review governing documents.
- Continuously analyze ITSS operations to identify areas for improvements.
- Ascertain that new officers understand their responsibilities per the governing documents and abide by all provisions therein.
(Performance Measures)
- Have key society documents maintained and accessible to EXCOM/BOG members.
- Have EXCOM/BOG meeting minutes produced promptly after each meeting.
- Accomplish the number of administrative activities assigned.
- Accomplish administrative needs by the individual EXCOM/BOG member satisfactorily.
- Update important information to EXCOM/BOG and ITSS members on time.
AP9: Develop a consolidated ITSS outreach plan and promote ITSS through well-planned events and activities (Lead: VP Administration).
- Investigate the current status of ITSS outreach activities in different activity areas.
- Identify the existing problems in ITSS outreach.
- Develop an action plan to consolidate the ITSS outreach efforts.
- Update ITSS webpages to maintain the information up-to-date.
- Design new ITSS webpages to be more informational, interactive, and attractive.
- Maintain ITSS social media platforms and develop metrics for tracking their effectiveness.
- Implement the consolidated ITSS outreach plan by working with different activity areas.
- Maintain ITSS website pages and social media platforms.
- Engage more ITSS members/student members from the industry through outreach activities.
- Promote more ITSS outreach events in different activity areas.
- Monitor the progress of the implementation of ITSS outreach strategies.
- Analyze the performance of ITSS outreach strategies via defined performance metrics.
- Continue working with the ExCom and BOG to develop new strategies for ITSS outreach.
(Performance Measures)
- Outreach initiative proposal submitted.
- Consolidated ITSS outreach plan developed.
- ITSS webpage updated and maintained.
- ITSS social media platforms integrated and monitored.
- Number of outreach events implemented.
- Number of industrial partners engaged.
AP10: Evolve the ITS Society’s Organizational Structure to Effectively Meet Current and Future Transportation Challenges (Lead: President).
- Update the strategic plan.
- Maintain a clear structural and operating framework for all society activities.
- Develop a roadmap for ITS society that addresses current and future transportation challenges.
- Facilitate collaborative activities among ITSS technical, conference, education, and pubs activities.
- Involve BOG members in society governance activities.
- Implement/expand the society’s direction and activity areas following the strategic plan.
- Maintain the structural and operating framework for all society activities.
- Facilitate synergy and collaboration among all society’s activities.
- Increase industrial engagement in the conference and technical activities.
- Improve member’s satisfaction and recognize society volunteers and technical committees for leadership.
- Continuously involve a greater number of BOG members in society governance activities.
- Maintain financial sustainability and sustainable governance.
(Performance Measures)
- Strategic plan developed.
- Roadmap developed.
- Number of collaborative activities within ITSS.
- Increase in membership.
- Number of industrial partners engaged.
- BOG member involvement in society governance activities.
AP11: Collaborate with other IEEE societies and international sister societies synergistically (Lead: President).
- Develop collaborative activities with IEEE sister societies on standard development, membership, and publications.
- Develop MOUs with one to two transportation/traffic societies.
- Establish closer collaboration with other IEEE societies for joint initiatives.
- Foster collaborative relationships with sister societies/organizations worldwide for the development of transportation policy, standards development, and advancement of technologies.
(Performance Measures)
- Number of IEEE sister societies engaged.
- Number of peer associations engaged