The IEEE ITS Young Researcher/Engineer Award is given annually for ITS researchers, practitioners, and research/development in place to recognize early career contributions and leadership in research and/or application in ITS related fields.

Eligible nominees should not be older than 40 years.


To recognize early career contributions and leadership in research and/or application in ITS related fields. (Established in 2017)


The honoraria prize $1,000. No travel allowances are made for this award. Single annual award with only one allowable recipient selected annually. Recipient receives full prize.


The applicant should be, by the end of the year when the nomination is submitted, not older than 40 years.

Basis for Judging

Submissions are evaluated based on 1) technical contributions and significance, 2) leadership in ITS field, and 3) the quality of recommendation letters. Each category is scored on a 1-10 scale and summed for a total score averaged among committee members during the first round. The second round of scoring ranks the top submissions for final award after committee discussion.


The award is presented during the banquet during the society’s flagship meeting, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference.

Past Awardees

2024Jiaqi Ma
For contributions in vehicle and transportation systems encompassing safety of automated vehicles, cooperative driving automation and environmental and social impacts of zero-emission electric vehicles.
2023Maria Laura Delle Monache
Affiliation: University of California, Berkeley
Citation: For contributions to modeling, control, and large-scale testing of intelligent transportation systems
2022Xiao Wang
Affiliation: Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries
Citation: For her extensive industry experience and leadership in the research and development of ITS and autonomous driving fields
2021Fernando García Fernández
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Citation: Contributions to the use of neural networks for the processing of LiDARs and in data fusion
2020Xiaosong Hu
Affiliation: Chongqing University
Citation: Contributions to Electric Vehicle Battery ManagementSystems and Electrified Vehicle Optimization in ITS
2019Andreas A. Malikopoulos
Affiliation: University of Delaware

David Fernández Llorca
Affiliation: Universidad de Alcalá