There is no open call for new Associate Editors for the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems now. The next call will be opened in August 2025.

The IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS) is published monthly. All issues of T-ITS are digitally archived in IEEE Xplore. (See also a list of previous issues.) Members of the IEEE ITS Society have access to the electronic version of the Transactions free of charge. IEEE T-ITS is a top-ranked publication in the ITS field.

T-ITS Impact Factor: 7.9 (2023)


Prof. Simona Sacone, EIC, Transactions on ITS
Dept. of Computer Science, Bioengineering, Robotics and Systems Engineering,
University of Genova, Italy


The IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems covers fundamental and applied research on all scientific and technical aspects of modern transportation systems, including but not limited to sensing, communications, controls, planning, design, and implementation of intelligent transportation systems. It covers theory, methodologies, modeling and simulation, experimentation, and evaluations of transportation systems that include multi-modal transportation, surface transportation traffic, coordinated multiple vehicles, infrastructure, and other road users (pedestrians, bicyclists, etc.) and their interactions. The Transactions also serve as a forum for the design, analysis, and control of information technology as it is applied to transportation systems. Read more on IEEE Xplore.

Interested in submitting? See below for submission information. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Communications (intervehicle and vehicle-to-road- side)
  • Computers (hardware, software)
  • Control (adaptive, fuzzy, cooperative, neuro)
  • Decision Systems (expert systems, intelligent agents)
  • Systems (engineering, architecture, evaluation)
  • Information Systems (databases, data fusion, security)
  • Man-Machine Interfaces (displays, artificial speech)
  • Imaging & Real-Time Image Analysis
  • Sensors (infrastructure and vehicle-based)
  • Simulation (continuous, discrete, real-time)
  • Signal Processing
  • Standards
  • Reliability & Quality Assurance
  • Technology Forecasting & Transfer

For any of the above methods or techniques, a clear application to a transportation system must be addressed, at least discussing to what extent the proposed approach benefits the transportation system under consideration.

Submission Information: Information for Authors

The IEEE Transactions on ITS accepts electronic submissions only, via the IEEE Author Portal at the following submission website:

Notice: There has been a change in the Paper Revision Policy

Effective 1 January 2022, all new submissions will only undergo a maximum of 3 rounds of reviews. This means the authors will have the chance for two revisions/rebuttals. Any decision received on the .R2 submission will be the final decision.

Before submitting a manuscript, authors must:

  • Format the paper using IEEE style of double column, single spaced.
    Templates are available at IEEE Article Templates.
  • Create an account for the submission site if they do not already possess one.

Authors can choose among 4 kinds of papers, each with its suggested length in IEEE style:

  • Regular Papers: 10 pages
  • Short Papers: 6 pages
  • Practitioner Papers: 6 pages
  • Survey Papers: 18 pages

Authors may submit papers that exceed the suggested length by no more than 6 additional pages. After the final acceptance, the authors will pay an over length charge of $175.00 (US dollars) for each extra page.

Our Authors’ Guidelines

Overlap with previously published papers. The system will automatically reject papers with overlap greater than 40% generated by our software system. The system will automatically allow papers with less than 30% overlap. Papers with overlaps between 30% and 40% will be checked manually to find out the reason of the overlap, whether it is an accumulation of small overlaps from different papers or the overlap is due to a conference paper or publicly accessible report by same authors etc and decide accordingly.

Extensions of the Author’s Conference Papers. It is acceptable for conference papers to be used as the basis for a more fully developed journal submission. However, authors are required to cite their related prior work; the papers cannot be identical or have more than 40% overlap; and the journal publication must include substantively novel aspects such as new experimental results or additional analysis or added theoretical work. The journal publication should clearly specify how the journal paper offers novel contributions when citing the prior conference paper.​

Peer Review

The articles in this journal are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual (sections 8.2.1.C & 8.2.2.A). Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-anonymous peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.

Abstract Description and Specifications

For an abstract to be effective when displayed in IEEE Xplore as well as through indexing services such as Compendex, INSPEC, Medline, ProQuest, and Web of Science, it must be concisely yet comprehensively reflect the article it describes. In particular, the abstract must be:

  • Contained, without abbreviations, footnotes, or references. It should be a microcosm of the full article.
  • Between 150-250 words.
  • Written as one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material.
  • Include three or four different keywords or phrases. However, over-repetition of such phrases can result in a page being rejected by search engines.
  • Grammatically correct.

Submitting an Appeal

Appeals to the manuscript decisions should be submitted to the Editor in Chief, copying the Editorial Administrator and must include the paper ID number. Appeals will only be considered in cases of significant review discrepancies or reviewer mishandling. Authors’ differences of opinions often occur with reviews received. However, this is not a valid reason to submit an appeal. The associate editors consider various reviewers’ comments, weigh the substance, ignore irrelevant comments, and reflect on their own evaluation to arrive at a final recommendation. A tally of favorable reviews against a minority of “reject” recommendations is not an adequate reason for appeals, either. Since due diligence is performed during the review process, appeals rarely result in a decision change. Authors should be cognizant of that and the extra time it takes to re-evaluate an article through the process, delaying the potential of publishing their work elsewhere.

Resubmitting a Paper

The IEEE Transactions on ITS allows the authors of rejected papers to resubmit a rejected paper. However, they must substantially modify (improve) the paper and indicate its rejection history and reference the prior paper ID in the cover letter. Failing to do so could result in an automatic desk rejection. The paper will undergo a totally new evaluation process, likely with new Senior Editors and Associate Editors. The authors should also realize that the review could have additional and different critiques/outcomes and may result in another rejection. They should not expect the continuation of the previous round of reviews. In order to ensure there is no bias due to prior review, a response to reviewers will not be allowed to be included in the new paper submission.

IEEE Author Center

English language editing services can help refine the language of your article and reduce the risk of rejection without review. IEEE authors are eligible for discounts at several language editing services; visit the IEEE Author Center to learn more. Please note, these services are fee-based and do not guarantee acceptance.

Additional Resources for Authors

Open Access Publishing option of the IEEE Transactions on ITS

IEEE Transactions on ITS is a hybrid journal, allowing either traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (author-pays OA) manuscript submission. The OA option, if selected, enables unrestricted public access to the article via IEEE Xplore. The OA option will be offered to the author at the time the manuscript is submitted. If selected, the OA discounted fee of $2,495 must be paid before the article is published in the journal. If you have unusual circumstances about this, please contact the Editor-in-Chief. Any other applicable charges (such as the over-length page charge and/or charge for the use of color in the print format) will be billed separately once the manuscript formatting is complete but prior to the publication. The traditional option, if selected, enables access to all qualified subscribers and purchasers via IEEE Xplore. Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waived or reduced open access APCs.

Alternative Option for Open Access Publishing in ITS

The new Open Journal of ITS: OJ-ITS

The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society has established the new IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation System (OJ-TS) for Open Access publications in the field of ITS. OJ-ITS is 100% open access, which means that all content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. All articles are published under a CC BY 4.0 license, and the author retains copyright. The rapid peer review process of OJ-ITS is targeting a publication time frame of 10 weeks for most accepted papers. OJ-ITS has no page limit. Open access is provided through the payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC) of $2,195 paid after acceptance. Discount conditions are available. Publication is on-line through IEEE Xplore. Information about the IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems can be found at:

Submitting Final Files: Information for authors of accepted papers

Papers accepted for publication will be published both electronically on IEEE Xplore web site and in the printed version of the Transactions.

Authors must submit final files electronically using the submission website requested items must be compressed in a ZIP file before uploading them on the submission web site.

Requested items:

  1. A PDF version of the paper and an identical source version using either LaTeX or MSWord. Paper must be formatted using IEEE style (double column, single spaced) whose template is available here
  2. Original versions of figures and tables (high definition) in separate files only if they aren’t embedded in the source paper file (accepted formats: PS, EPS, PDF, PNG, TIFF, DOC, PPT, XLS).
  3. Bio-sketches (in IEEE format) and high-resolutions photos of each of the authors (not required for Short and Practitioner Papers); bio-sketches can be included in the source file or alternatively saved in separate files.

Few weeks after the submission of the final files, the contact author will be contacted by the publishing office to check the proofs of the paper. Authors will have 48 authors to return eventual corrections to the proofs.

Note: Paper Revision Extension Requests must be submitted directly to the Editorial Administrator, Please do not engage the Editor-in-Chief for simple extensions or minor logistical submission issues.

Once proofs are validated, the paper will be published in the “early papers” section of IEEE Xplore web site in few days and later in the first available printed issue.

If after the proofs, paper length exceeds the suggested values (see Submit a Paper section), authors will be asked to pay an extra page charge of 175 US dollar for each extra page.

Author Names in Native Languages

IEEE supports the publication of author names in the native language alongside the English versions of the names in the author list of an article. For more information, please visit the IEEE Author Center.​

Color Printing

If a paper includes color figures, authors can decide to publish their paper in color (additional charges) or in gray tone.

Papers printed in gray tone, are published electronically in color on IEEE Xplore if color illustrations are included.

IEEE Copyright

IEEE policy requires that prior to publication all authors must transfer the copyright for their paper to the IEEE via the submission web site when submitting the final files.

Additional Resources