Chair: Xinping Yan
Co-Chair(s): Carlos Guedes Soares, Jin Wang
Short Description
IWTS -TC includes committee members from 10 different countries and aims at fostering discussion on the research and development of Intelligent Waterborne Transportation Systems.
The IWTS -TC focuses on sharing the state-of-the-art design, models, algorithms, simulation, and field implementations of a wide range of IWTS applications in ITS, and identifying the challenges and research needs of the IWTS, aiming to encourage cross-disciplinary collaboration.
Committee Activities
- Invite technical speech for audience in the field.
- Support World Transport Convention 2023 and host Seminar on the New Generation Waterborne Transportation System (New WTS).
- Host 6th MSSS 2024 in Wuhan. More information is to be arranged.
Activities Report 2023
- Host 7th ICTIS 2023 in Xi’an. For more information, please check out at http://its.whut.edu.cn/?aboutictis/
- Hosted the series conference of ICTIS (International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety.
Committee Members
- Xinping Yan, Chair, Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, China.
- Carlos Guedes Soares, Co-chair, Professor, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Jin Wang, Co-chair, Professor, Liverpool John Moores University, UK.
- Teng Long, Member, Associate Professor, University of Cambridge, UK.
- Xiuju Fu, Member, Senior Scientist, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore.
- Tsz Leung Yip, Member, Associate Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China.
- Rudy R. Negenborn, Member, Professor, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- Peter Slaets, Member, Professor, KU Leuven, Belgium.
- Betar El Moctar, Member, Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
- Axel Hahn, Member, Professor, University of Oldenburg, Germany.
- Nikolaos P. Ventikos, Member, Associate Professor, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.
- Ingrid Bouwer Utne, Member, Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway.
- Di Zhang, Member, Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, China.
- Angelo P Teixeira, Member, Associate Professor, University of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Yuliang Cai, Member, Senior Researcher, China Classification Society, China.
- Jakub Montewka, Member, Associate Professor, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland.
- Spyros Hirdaris, Member, Associate Professor, Global Ship Systems Centre of the American Bureau of Shipping, Greece.
- Hongdong Wang, Member, Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China.
- Haobin Li, Member, Senior Lecturer, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
- Daniel Medina, Member, Research Fellow, German Aerospace Center, German.
- Michele Martelli, Member, Associate Professor, University of Genova, Italy.
- Richard Bucknal, Member, Professor, University College London, UK.
- Yuanchang Liu, Member, Associate Professor, University London College, UK.
- Yao Zhang, Member, Associate Professor, University of Southampton, UK.
- Jialun Liu, Chief Secterary, Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, China.
- Shiqi Fan, Secterary, Professor, Wuhan University of Technology, China.
- Jiongjiong Liu, Secterary, Wuhan University of Technology, China.