T-ITS Editorial Board Members

Meng Lu Headshot
Meng Lu
Senior Editor
Aeolix ITS
Meng Lu - Strategic Innovation Manager, at Peek Traffic B.V. (Dynniq Group), The Netherlands. PhD at LTH (Faculty of Engineering), Lund University, Sweden (2007); Master's title and degree of Engineering in The Netherlands (2002) and P.R. China (1995). Senior Member of IEEE. Editor/author/co-author of 3 books and around 100 papers. Member, Editorial Board of IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Intelligent Transport Systems since 2007. Previously, Program Manager at the Dutch Institute of Advanced Logistics, The Netherlands (2011-2015), and Visiting Professor at the National Laboratory for Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, P.R. China (2009-2010). Active involvement in European research and innovation projects since 2005 in the domains of (C-)ITS, logistics, and energy, as Coordinator, WP Leader and/or Partner. Involved for The Netherlands in ISO/TC 204 and CEN since 2016. Contribution to standardization activities of IEEE, TISA and 5G PPP.
Research Interests
1. C-ITS (Cooperative ITS)2. V2X Communication 3. Traffic Signal Control and Management 4. Digital Infrastructure Supported Automated Driving