T-ITS Editorial Board Members

Hilmi Celikoglu Headshot
Hilmi Celikoglu
Associate Editor
Hilmi Berk Celikoglu is a full Professor specialized in Traffic Flow Theories and Transportation Network Modeling at the Technical University of Istanbul (ITU) Department of Civil Engineering and the coordinator of the Working Group on Transportation at ITU since 2014. He received B.Sc. (2000), M.Sc. (2002), and Ph.D. (2006) degrees from ITU, where he has been with since 2002. He was a Visiting Professor at PennState Department of Computer Science & Maths, Harrisburg between 2014-2015. Dr. Celikoglu has been involved in several national and international scientific and technical projects in addition to his ongoing research on dynamic network management, transportation network modeling and optimization, traffic flow control and simulation, ITS, and railway engineering on which he has been teaching and has authored over 50 papers in peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings. Dr. Celikoglu has co-organized special sessions for IEEE ITSC series, for which he has been an Associate Editor since 2011. He has served as the Workshops & Tutorial Chair of ITSC2015, the Publications Co-Chair of the ITSC2016, and the General Chair of the 19th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting 2016. He is the Workshops & Tutorial Chair of the 21st IEEE ITSC2018. He has been on the editorial board of the Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies and the IEEE ITS Podcast, and is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on ITS and IEEE ITS Magazine. He has contributed as a Guest Editor to special issues at journals IEEE ITS Magazine, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, and Accident Analysis & Prevention.
Research Interests
1. Dynamic Network Modeling and Optimization2. Traffic Flow Modeling and Control 3. Transportation Network Planning and Design 4. Rail Traffic Control and Management