T-ITS Editorial Board Members

Meng Wang Headshot
Meng Wang
Associate Editor
Meng Wang is Assistant Professor and Co-Director of the Electric and Automated Transport Research Lab of TU Delft. He obtained his BSc (2003) in Tsinghua University, MSc (2006) in Research Institute of Highway (RIOH) and PhD with Honor (2014) at TU Delft. Between 2006 and 2009, he worked at National ITS Engineering Center, RIOH, China. His main research interests are modeling, control design & impact assessment of automated and cooperative driving systems for safe and efficient traffic flow operations. He has authored more than 70 publications in peer-reviewed journals and conferences and has won IEEE ITS Society Best PhD Dissertation Award (2015) and IEEE ITSC Best Paper Award (2013). He plays an active role in several research projects on automated driving and traffic management under the Dutch Automated Vehicle Initiative and EU Horizon 2020 program. He has been the Associate EditorsIPC Members of the IEEE ITSS?s flagship conferences of ITSC since 2013 and IV? since 2016 and he is the Program Chair of IEEE FISTS 2020. He serves as a member of IEEE ITSS TC on Cooperative and Automated Vehicles and TRB subcommittee Traffic Flow Modelling for Connected and Automated Vehicles. He is also a committee member of World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS).
Research Interests
1. Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems2. Traffic Flow Modeling and Simulation 3. Eco-driving systems 4. Traffic Safety Modeling