T-ITS Editorial Board Members

Mohammad Hossein Anisi Headshot
Mohammad Hossein Anisi
Associate Editor
University of Essex
Mohammad Hossein Anisi is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, UK and head of Internet of Everything (IoE) Laboratory. Prior to that, he worked as a Senior Research Associate at University of East Anglia, UK and Senior Lecturer at University of Malaya, Malaysia where he received ‘Excellent Service Award’ for his achievements. He received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Technology Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia, in 2013, where he was awarded as the best postgraduate student.He is the authorcoauthor of over 100 papers and his research results have directly contributed to the technology industry. He is an associate editor of a number of journals including ‘IEEE Access’, ‘Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks’, ‘IET Wireless Sensor Systems’, 'International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks', ‘KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems journals’ and ‘Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks’. He has been lead organizergeneral chair of special sessions and workshops at several IEEE conferences such as IEEE ICC, IEEE CAMAD, IEEE PIMRC, IEEE VTC, etc and reviewed many papers for IEEE transactions and journals. Hossein is Fellow of Higher Education Academy and Senior Member of IEEE.
Research Interests
1. Vehicular Ad hoc Networks 2. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 3. Internet of Thing 4. Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks