T-ITS Editorial Board Members
Ozan Erdinc
Associate Editor
Yildiz Technical University
Ozan Erdinç (M’14–SM’16) received the B.Sc., M. Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from Yildiz Technical University (YTU), Istanbul, Turkey, in 2007, 2009, and 2012, respectively. Until May 2013, he was in the private sector in different positions including electrical installations, renewable energy investments, and as a procurement expert. In June 2013, he became a Postdoctoral Fellow in Portugal, under the EU-FP7 funded SINGULAR Project. He is currently a Full Professor at the the Department of Electrical Engineering, YTU. He is currently IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) Turkey Chapter Chair, the Head of IT Department of YTU, the Director of Energy Application and Research Center of YTU and Head of Alternative Energy Based Electric Systems Division at the Department of Electrical Engineering (YTU). Prof. Erdinç was the recipient of the Turkish Science Academy Distinguished Young Scientist Award (TUBA GEBIP) of 2020.Prof. Erdinç is an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, IEEE Power Engineering Letters, IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering Computer Sciences and an Associate Editor for the IEEE Access, IEEE Systems Journal, IET Smart Grid, IET Renewable Power Generation, and IET Generation, Transmission&Distribution.
Research Interests
1. Power System Integration of Green Transportation Systems
2. Energy Management of Hybrid Electric Vehicles
3. Interconnected Transportation Solutions
4. Renewable Energy Systems and Smart Grids