T-ITS Editorial Board Members

Shahid Mumtaz Headshot
Shahid Mumtaz
Associate Editor
Shahid Mumtaz is an IET Fellow, IEEE and ACM Distinguished speaker, recipient of IEEE ComSoC Young Researcher Award (2019), founder and EiC of IET "Journal of Quantum communication," Vice-Chair: EuropeAfrica Region- IEEE ComSoc: Green Communications &Computing society and Vice-chair for IEEE standard on P1932.1: Standard for LicensedUnlicensed Spectrum Interoperability in Wireless Mobile Networks. He is also a Senior 5G Consultant at Huawei, Sweden. Dr. Shahid has authoredco-authored 4 books and 162+ IEEE TransactionsMagazinesJournals papers with 15 ESI highly cited articles, and 80+ conference papers. Moreover, he has also published 6 transactions at ITS and organized one special issue. Dr. Shahid contributes to 3GPP release 15-17 at the RAN1RAN2 level. Moreover, Huawei appointed him as a Project manager for long term research collaborative projects on the Intelligent transport system between Huawei and academia. Under these projects, Dr. Shahid's responsibility is to propose novel ideas and find universities that can implement and test these ideas' feasibility.The outcome of these ideas will be used by Dr. Shahid to file patents and start new study items at 3GPP releases. He is also responsible for the participation of Huawei in European projects. He has filed five patents and contributed to two standards at release 15 in the area of V2X power control.
Research Interests
1. Intelligent Transport system 2. Autonomous Driving 3. Block Chain and Big Data-enabled Intelligent Vehicular Communication