T-ITS Editorial Board Members
Yi-Sheng Huang
Associate Editor
Yi-Sheng Huang (M?01-SM?07) received the B.S. degree in Automatic Control Engineering from Feng Chia University, Taiwan, in 1989, the M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, in 1991, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taiwan, in 2001. He was a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic at Chung Cheng Institute of Technology (CCIT), National Defense University in Taiwan. He is presently a professor & chairman in the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Ilan University in Taiwan. He was a Visiting Professor in the ECE Dept., New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, USA in 2008 and 2014. He has over 100 publications including 50+ journal papers and 60+ conference papers and five book-chapters. He has been serving as a Reviewer for the Automatic, IEEE TSMCA, IEEE TSMCC, IEEE TASE, IEEE TIE, IET Control Theory and Application, IET Intelligent Transport Systems, International Journal of Production Research, The Computer Journal, IJAMT, AJC, JCIE and JISE.
Research Interests
1. Formal Methods in Transportation2. Petri nets and Discrete Event Systems in Transportation
3. Traffic Flow Modeling and Control
4. Railway Systems