T-ITS Editorial Board Members
Zhenliang Ma
Associate Editor
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Zhenliang Ma is an Assistant Professor of Mobility Informatics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. He received his PhD in Transportation Engineering from The University of Queensland in 2015 and his MSc in Information Technology and BSc in Electrical Engineering from Shandong University in 2012 and 2009 respectively. He is a US NASEM Transportation Research Board Committee Member, an Honorary Adjunct at Monash Data Science and AI Department, and Research Affiliate at MIT Transit Lab.His research focuses on statistics and data science based modeling, simulation, optimization, and control of mobility-related complex systems, which are: intelligent transport systems (trafficpublic transportrails) and personalized information systems (transportenergy). He is the authorco-author of 3 books and over 60 peer-reviewed academic papers.
Research Interests
1. Mobility Informatics
2. Public Transportation
3. Shared Mobility on Demand
4. Intelligent Transport Systems