T-ITS Editorial Board Members

Zhihan Lv Headshot
Zhihan Lv
Associate Editor
Dr. Zhihan Lv is currently an Associate Professor of Qingdao University, IEEE Senior member, BCS Fellow, ACM Distinguished Speaker. He received his Ph.D. from Ocean University of China and Paris7 University in 2012. He has been an assistant professor at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences from 2012 to 2016. He worked in CNRS (France) as Research Engineer, Umea University (Sweden) as Postdoc Research Fellow, Fundacion FIVAN (Spain) as Experienced Researcher, University College London (UK) as Research Associate, University of Barcelona(Spain) as Postdoctor. His research mainly focuses on Intelligent Transportation, Internet of Things, Blockchain, Multimedia, Virtual Reality, 3D Visualization & Graphics, Serious Game, HCI, Big data, and GIS. He has eight papers which have been published or accepted by IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems. He has contributed 200+ papers in the related fields on journals such as IEEE TITS, IEEE TII, IEEE TFS, IEEE TSMC, IEEE TETC, IEEE TBD, IEEE JSAC, IEEE JSTSP, IEEE IOTJ, IEEECOMMAG, IEEE Network, ACM TOMM, ACM TOIT, ACM TIST, and conferences such as ACM MM, ACM CHI, ACM Siggraph Asia, ICCV, IEEE Virtual Reality. He is an associate editor of Plos one (Since 2016), IEEE Access (2016-2020), Neurocomputing (2016-2018), IET Image Processing (Since 2017), KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (Since 2020), International Journal of Sensor Networks (Since 2020). He is the leading guest editors of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Network, IEEE Sensors, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Future Generation Computer Systems, Neurocomputing, Neural Computing and Applications. He is a Program Committee member of ACM IUI2015-2021, IEEE CHASE Workshop on BIGDATA4HEALTH 2016, 2017, IEEECIC WIN Workshop 2016, IIKI2016-2019, WASA2016, 2017, IEEE PDGC2016, ACM SAC2017-WCN Track, IEEE CTS2016 Workshop on IoT2016, IEEE DASC2017,2020, ISAPE2017, IoTBDS2017, IEEE AIMS2017, IEEE iThings-2017, IEEE VTC2017-Fall, IEEE INFOCOM 2020 workshop, ACM MobiCom 2020 workshop, IEEE EECSI 2020, ISAIR2021.
Research Interests
1. Internet of Things in Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure 2. Edge and Cloud Computing in Internet of Vehicles 3. Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analysis Technology for Intelligent Transportation 4. Virtual Reality and 3D Reconstruction for Visualization of Smart Cities and Intelligent Transportation