IEEE ITSS Young Professionals Travelling Fellowship 2022

25-27 November 2022, Chania, Crete, Greece

The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS) will organize a Travelling Fellowship Program in 2022 for Young Professionals (IEEE ITSS Members under 36 years old in 2022).

Day-1 (Friday 25 Nov) Symposium, Kydon Hotel (Tzanakaki 2, Chania 731 34, Greece)
12:45-13:00 Registration
13:00-13:10 Welcome Opening, by Dr. Meng Lu
13:10-13:20 Introduction / Update of the IEEE ITSS Technical by Prof. Yaobin Chen
13:20-13:40 YP Volunteering Opportunities and Membership Benefits, by Dr. Ahmed Hussein
13:40-14:00 Cooperative Automated Driving from Naturalistic Driving, by Dr. Pujitha Gunaratne
14:00-14:20 A New Traffic Paradigm in the CAV Era, by Prof. Markos Papageorgiou
14:20-14:40 Traffic Management using Connected Automated Vehicles, by Prof. Ioannis Papamichail
14:40-15:00 Data, AI and Robotics: Advances and Impact for Future Mobility, by Dr. Arnaud de La Fortelle
15:00-15:15 YPs Meet Experts: Debate and Discussions
15:15-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 PechaKucha Session – YPs: Introductions, Ideas and Solutions
18:00-18:15 Discussions and Feedback
18:15-19:00 Welcome Reception
19:00-21:30 Networking Dinner
Day-2 (Saturday 26 Nov) Social Event
09:00-17:00 Bus Touring and Networking, ROUTE:
17:00-18:30 Shopping Time
18:30-20:30 Speed Dating: ITSS for YPs, YPs for ITSS, and Networking, led by Dr. Ahmed Hussein
20:30-22:30 Networking Dinner
Day-3 (Sunday 27 Nov) Free Time
Visit Chania and/or other places on Crete
19:00-22:00 Farewell / Networking Dinner

Farewell Song for the 2022 IEEE ITSS YP Travelling Fellowship Program, by Dr. Meng Lu

Melody: “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”

For we are Travelling Fellows
the ITS Society
We are Travelling Fellows
Young Professionals

Here in Chania

For we are Travelling Fellows
the ITS Society
For we are Travelling Fellows
Young Professionals

We’ve learned a lot
Proud of all of us

For we are Travelling Fellows
the ITS Society
For we are Travelling Fellows
Young Professionals

The participants are also asked to prepare to sing a song of their country, which can also be done together with other YP(s) from the same country.