The Call for ITSS Board of Governors Nominations:
The 2023 Nominations Round
Under the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS) Bylaws, 15 members are elected to serve on our Board of Governors (BoG) to manage the Society’s resources, represent the Society within IEEE, and arrange for technical publications, conferences, and other benefits to the members. The Board of Governors Members-at-Large (MaLs) serve for a three-year term, with five MaL positions elected each year.
To help manage the activities of the Society, ITSS BoG MaLs shall actively participate in the BoG meetings, which are generally scheduled either as a teleconference or in conjunction with our flagship conferences, the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) and the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC). You can see our current BoG here:
Nomination Information
Nomination Selection Criteria
- Extent of contributions to the profession and technical accomplishments (in relation to the nominee’s years in the field).
- Extent of contributions to the ITSS and the IEEE.
- Knowledge of and engagement with the ITSS operations (its technical committees, chapters, publications, conferences, etc).
- Evidence of the candidate’s ability to act as a leader and work within a team setting.
- Vision, values, and goals to be achieved during the mandate.
While making the final BoG candidate slate, the Nominations & Appointments Committee shall also implement the IEEE’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Nominees are expected to be committed to attending BOG meetings and timely completion of duties and responsibilities as the position requires. Note: ITSS aims to cover travel expenses for BoG Members to travel to BoG Meetings in accordance with IEEE Travel Policies.
Questions can be directed to Ljubo Vlacic, the ITSS Nominations & Appointments Committee Chair by emailing l.vlacic@griffith.
Newly elected Governors in this round of nominations will start their term in January 2024 and will conclude their service in December 2026.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Ljubo Vlacic, Chair, Nominations & Appointments Committee
President-Elect, IEEE ITS Society
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