Call for 2024 IEEE-ITS Society Award Nominations

Dear IEEE ITS Society Member,

This message is to notify you that nominations for the annual awards of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society are now being accepted. Nominations should be submitted online by 28 February 2024 at 11:59 PM Anywhere on Earth Time (AoE).

All award nominations and reference letters (including nominations for the Lifetime Achievement Award) should be submitted online through the ITSS Website. All award nominations require THREE reference letters, which will be uploaded with the award nomination form on the website. Before submitting your award nomination, please review the Award Nomination Checklist to be sure you have all the required information at hand.

Notice: Please note that incomplete nominations
and/or self-nominations are not accepted. 
Award Nomination Checklist
Award Nomination Form
2024 ITSS Award Descriptions
IEEE Outstanding ITS Research Award
The IEEE Outstanding ITS Research Award is given to those who have made significant and outstanding contributions to research in ITS-related fields. This award is established to recognize, promote, stimulate and publicize major research contributions and outstanding achievements in ITS-related fields.

IEEE Outstanding ITS Application Award
The IEEE Outstanding ITS Application Award is given to those who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the application of ITS-related technologies in practical fields. This award is established to recognize, promote, stimulate and publicize major application-focused contributions and outstanding achievements in ITS-related fields.

IEEE ITS Institutional Lead Award
The ITS Institutional Lead Award is given to those who have made significant and outstanding contributions to the research and applications of ITS-related technologies. This award is established to recognize, promote, stimulate, and publicize major contributions to institutional ITS leadership.

IEEE ITSS Young Researcher/Engineer Award
The ITSS Young Researcher/Engineer Award is given to recognize early career contributions and leadership in research and/or application in ITS-related fields.

To be eligible for this award, the nominee should be, by the end of the year when the nomination is submitted, not older than 40 years.

IEEE ITS Lifetime Achievement Award
The ITS Lifetime Achievement Award is given to recognize one’s exemplary contributions to ITS and ITS Society over a career.

To be eligible for this award, the nominee must be at least 65 years old.

IEEE ITS Best Dissertation Award
The IEEE ITS Best Dissertation Award is given for the best dissertation in any ITS area that is innovative and relevant to practice.

Please note, Award Nominations received in the previous two years (2022 and 2023) will be considered if the nominator expresses interest to re-nominate a candidate. Nominators can elect to use the same nomination form and letters of reference previously submitted (by emailing the 2023 ITSS Awards Committee Chair, Ljubo Vlacic) or they can submit an updated nomination form with the nominee’s most recent achievements.

Best regards,
Ljubo Vlacic
The 2023 ITSS Awards Committee Chair