The TAB Committee on Standards (TCoS) provides seed funding for projects initiating innovative standards efforts in IEEE Standards Association (SA). TCoS is looking for proposals from members of IEEE Societies and Councils (S/Cs) to:

  • Promote activities leading to proposals for new standard development projects such as submission of a project authorization request (PAR) or or an Industry Connections Activity Initiation Document (ICAID) to IEEE SA
  • Publicize the importance and value proposition of standards activities through events, workshops, or conferences
  • Prioritize new applications for sustainability
  • Encourage emerging technologies and the need for standardization to create market

The second call for proposals of 2024 (also known as Round 14) opens on 1 September 2024 and closes on 30 September 2024.  

For this call for proposals, the proposed projects shall begin no earlier than 1 January 2025 and end no later than 31 December 2025. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

  • Sustainability for material universe, such as energy production and delivery, and topics related to climate change
  • Sustainability for information universe, such as digital privacy, advanced public safety technologies
  • Digital content technologies, such as metaverse and advanced telepresence technologies
  • Advanced communications techniques, such as satellites
  • Intelligent infrastructure and/or autonomous vehicles
  • Quantum technologies
  • Technologies for smart cities and villages
  • Smart energy, healthcare, lighting, readers, sensors and other smart products
  • Technology in education
  • Other areas promoted by IEEE Societies/Councils/Organizational Units

The seed funding is for up to USD$10,000. In addition, in alignment with the priorities of IEEE SA, up to USD$20,000 may be offered for new proposals that impact sustainability for either our material universe (for example, energy or climate change) or sustainability in our information universe (for example, in internet safety, security, or usefulness).

See an introductory presentation about TCoS, and see the following examples of a successful implementation of TCoS seed funding:

Note that the Funding Request form has been revised to an online Smartsheet form. Please use the link on this page to submit your proposal. TCoS will assign a proposal number after the form is submitted.

In preparing the proposal for submission, please pay careful attention to the Reference Guide and the FAQs for Funding Requests file on this page.

Progress reports are required. Therefore, reimbursement of expenses will not be granted if the project has failed to provide progress reports on the required schedule. See Q7 of the FAQ for a description of the content of progress reports.

For any additional questions please contact Patrick McCarren at